If you have been told that your roof needs to be reroofed, there are many different materials to consider. Metal roofing is a solution many homeowners make the mistake of overlooking due to its initial cost. Although metal roofing is often more expensive than other types of roofing materials, it is also extremely durable and lasts up to two to three times longer than other roofing options. At Stonewater Roofing, our East Texas roofers offer reroofing services for metal and steel roofs.[/TS_VCSC_Advanced_Textblock][TS_VCSC_Advanced_Textblock styling_color=”#000000″ styling_size=”15″ restrictions=”Visibility: Everybody / Tag Conditions: No” styling_border=”border-style:solid;border-top-style:solid;border-right-style:solid;border-bottom-style:solid;border-left-style:solid;|border-width:1px;border-radius:0px;border-top-width:0px;border-top-left-radius:0px;border-right-width:0px;border-top-right-radius:0px;border-bottom-width:0px;border-bottom-right-radius:0px;border-left-width:0px;border-bottom-left-radius:0px;|border-color:#cccccc;border-top-color:#cccccc;border-right-color:#cccccc;border-bottom-color:#cccccc;border-left-color:#cccccc;” conditionals=”eyJ2aWV3ZXJzdGF0dXMiOiJldmVyeWJvZHkiLCJyZXN0cmljdGlvbiI6Im5vbmUiLCJ1c2Vycm9sZXMiOiIiLCJ1c2Vyc2NvcGUiOiJhbnkiLCJ1c2VyY2FwcyI6IiIsIm90aGVyc2NvcGUiOiJhbnkiLCJvdGhlcnRhZ3MiOiIiLCJkZXZpY2V0eXBlcyI6IiJ9″]
With its incredible durability and strength, metal roofing systems often last a lifetime. They also provide other benefits, such as energy savings during the summer by keeping more heat out than asphalt. Choosing to reroof with a metal roof can prove to be an incredibly worthy investment in the long run, especially if you should re-sell your home.
Other advantages of metal roofing include that it:
- Is incredibly low maintenance
- Is light-weight and durable
- Is environmentally friendly
- Has a long lifespan
- Can stand harsh weather conditions
- Comes in a wide range of colors and styles
Although metal roofs are extremely durable, they do have a lifespan. It is important that you call on a professional and our metal roofers can handle your reroofing project, even working closely with your insurance company when needed. We are respected for our dedication to quality workmanship and customer service.[/TS_VCSC_Advanced_Textblock]
Contact us today for a FREE INSPECTION from one of the commercial roofing professionals.[/TS_VCSC_Advanced_Textblock]